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How much does it cost to fly to the San Blas Islands?

Go by plane to San Blas

The cost of private flights to San Blas ranges from $120 per person per way to $295 per person per way ​ 2 passengers: total price for private plane $590 each way: the price per passenger is $295 each way total cargo weight of 650 lbs.
3 passengers: $590 total price per private plane each way: the price per passenger is $196 each way total cargo weight of 650 lbs.
4 passengers: $590 private jet total price each way: guest price is $147 each way 650 lbs total cargo weight
5 passengers: $590 private jet total price each way: guest price is $118 each way 650 lbs total cargo weight
6 Passengers - $1200 Private Aircraft Full Price each way - Guest Price is $200 each way 1300 lbs total cargo weight\
7 passengers: $1200 private plane total price each way: guest price is $171 each way 1300 lbs total cargo weight
8 passengers: $1,200 total price per private plane each way: price per passenger is $150 each way total cargo weight 1,300 lbs.
9 passengers: $1200 private plane total price each way: guest price is $133 each way 1300 lbs total cargo weight
10 passenger - $1200 private plane full price each way - guest price is $120 each way 1300 lbs total cargo weight
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